Thursday, December 14, 2017

Starting to Stopping the Car
4. Starting the car is the first step and what more if you start and take the first acceleration smoothly. Our personal recommendation for initial learning. Ensure that Gear is on Neutral /đầu tiên là để số ở neutral hay N .
» Switch on the ignition/mở máy .
» Put Left Foot on the clutch plate completely/để chân trái hoàn toàn trên bàn đạp Ly Hợp (clutch) .
» Time to Change Gear by Shift from neutral to first gear along with your Left Foot releasing clutch slowly/Bắt đầu sang số từ N sang số 1 (first gear) cùng lúc nhả bàn đạp ly hợp từ từ  and right foot simultaneously pressing accelerator/và 
đồng thời chân phải đạp tăng tốc 
Hurray !! the car has started moving/Hoan hô , xe bạn bắt đầu chạy. You can slightly increase the speed and shift gear to 2nd gear /Bạn có thể từ từ tăng tốc và chuyển sang số 2 by again pressing clutch plate and shifting to second gear using left leg/bằng cách đạp ly hợp và chuyển sang số 2 bằng cách dùng chân trái . and from right leg pressing accelerator slightly/ và chân phải đè bàn đạp tăng tốc vừa phải .
5. Remember, Its not Car Racing Competition. Slow Drive is a Safe Drive. Be Cool and Relax and Follow Lane Driving Approach
6. You can accelerate or slow down by again /Bạn có thể tăng tốc hay giảm tốcfollowing this process of pressing Clutch Plate/bằng cách  - followed with change in gear and releasing pressure from clutch with simultaneous foot pressure on acceleration
7. Before applying brakes or taking side turn - never miss to see rear view mirror or side rear mirror to check distance - there could be some one who may be on speed to overtake. Do not miss to give Proper Indicator with Apt Distance before taking Turns
8. Obey Traffic Signals, Rules and keep a distance with a car in your front ahead . Dont frequently change lane and dont make sudden jackup and jackdown speed of car
9. Avoid Attending Mobile Phone Call - It seriously diverts attention. While overtaking - be relax to make a wise judgement to overtake
10. Do not attempt to change gears very frequently. Like in split of seconds some people changes gears numerous times. Try to maintain a speed depending on traffic condition
11. Last comes stopping the car. Slow the car by coming back to either 1st or 2nd gear. Before 40 - 50 meters where you need to park the car,Press clutch plate and slowly use Brake to bring down the acceleration. When you have reached, stop the car, take the key out, pull your leg away from the clutch and brake gently and simultaneously to avoid a jerk.
Like one can not learn swimming by reading a book, one can not also learn driving while reading these tips - But If one follow the basics and Rules and go on the road - within a very short span of time - one can find him/her driving a real pleasure and fun

If you want a video tutorial, click here: 

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